Tuition and Fees

Our Student Accounts Office (also referred to as the "Bursar") is responsible for all student financial matters and works in conjunction with the Financial Aid Office. If you have specific questions about tuition, or need to speak to someone about payment options, Student Accounts staff are available Monday through Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm during regular hours. During summer hours (June-August), the office is closed on Fridays.

P: 856.351.2606

Tuition and Fees

General Tuition Information

Salem Community College provides affordable, quality and empowering education. Current and projected Tuition/Fee information is listed here and is subject to change. Please contact Student Accounts for more information about Tuition and Fees or review the College Catalog.

    Tuition (per credit)
    County Resident$212.00
    Out-of-County Resident$246.00
    Delaware Student$285.00
    Out-of-State Resident$342.00
    Out-of-County Resident Employed in Salem County$212.00
    International Student$342.00


    Current High School Tuition (per credit)
    Dual Enrollment Rates (High school Options/Jumpstart)
    (Students attending Salem Community College while still in high school)
    County Resident$127.00
    Out-of-County Resident$148.00
    Delaware Student$171.00
    Out-of-State Resident$205.00
    Dual Credit Rate
    (Students earning college credit at their high school for courses completed during the 2024-2025 school year. Students must apply by published deadline to receive discounted rate, otherwise they will be charged the full tuition rate based on their home address.)
    County Resident$80.00
    Out-of-County Resident$90.00
    Delaware Student$100.00
    Out-of-State Resident$100.00


    + Includes Summer II classes which begin in July 2024.


    Nursing Fee (summer-fall)$500.00(SU) - $2350.00(FA)
    Glass (FNA, SGT) Course Fee$114.00 - $621.00
    Glass Studio/Lab Fee$150.00 - $300.00
    Visual/Performing Arts (ART, CGA) Course Fee$114.00 - $260.00
    Science (BIO/CHM/PHY/ENS/NET/HSC) Course Fee$57.00 - $206.00
    Other Course Fee (CRJ)$152.00
    Cengage Textbook Fee$180.00
    International Student fee$300.00
    Late Graduation Fee$35.00
    Late Registration Fee$25.00
    Late Drop Fee$50.00

    Salem Community College does not charge application, college, tech or registration fees

    Payment Plans

    Payment Plans

    Salem Community College offers both online and in-person payment options as well as payment plans. Payment plans are only available during specific times during the semester. Visit the Student Accounts payment window located in the Student Union in Donaghay Hall for more information.


    Students attending Salem Community College who reside in a county other than Salem may be eligible for in-county tuition rates. Eligibility is dependent upon program of study. All out-of-county students attending Salem Community College are required to complete the following chargeback process, regardless of potential eligibility.

    What is a chargeback?

    All county colleges are in part supported by county taxes which automatically subsidize education for their county residents. Students who wish to attend an out-of-county college may be subject to increased, out-of-county tuition rates. Under provisions of the "Chargeback Assistance Law" (Chapter 179, Public Laws of New Jersey, 1968; N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-23), out-of-county students may be eligible to receive a Chargeback Approval and receive the benefits of in-county tuition rates for the college they attend. A Chargeback Approval is determined by enrollment in academic programs or for non-matriculated student’s credit courses which are not offered at their home county college. In addition, college level proficiency in English, Reading and Math may be required. A Chargeback Refusal is processed when the stipulations (above) are not met. However, a Denial due to not meeting your COUNTY deadline will not be accepted and the surcharge will apply to your account.

    STEP 1

    Students should submit the following to their home county college's registrar office

    ✓ Chargeback Certification Form.

    ✓ Copy of your Salem Community College course schedule.

    ✓ Copy of your valid driver's license. (or other valid form of identification). If you do not have identification, then you will need proof of residency (ex: utility bill, lease/rental agreement, property tax bill)

    ✓ Proof of residency (ex: utility bill, lease/rental agreement, property tax bill).

    STEP 2


    If your college denies your chargeback request, return the original chargeback paperwork to Student Accounts at Salem Community College and your chargeback is complete. No monetary adjustments will be made to your account.

    Denied chargebacks do not have to be renewed each semester unless your curriculum changes. If your college approves your chargeback you must take the approval paperwork to your County Treasurer's Office (NEED LINK) to obtain a completed Residency Verification Form. Return the original Chargeback approval paperwork and the original Residency Verification to Student Accounts at Salem Community College.

    Approved chargebacks must be submitted each semester you are registered for courses at Salem Community College.

    Refunds and Withdraws

    Refunds and Withdraws

    Students that drop a course before the first day of the semester/session will receive a full refund for tuition and fees. For courses dropped during the add/drop period, there will be a fee of $50 per course with the remaining amount returned to the student.

    In the event that a course is canceled by the college, tuition and fees will be fully refunded. No refunds will be issued for students that withdraw after the add/drop period. Students on payment plans must still pay in full after the add/drop period. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the necessary paperwork for course withdrawal.

    Students should expect to receive refunds six to eight weeks from the first day of classes.

      Submit required forms to the Dean of Enrollment in Donaghay Hall. The deadline to submit forms is the last day of the semester following the semester for which an appeal is being filed.

      • For all semester appeals: by the last day of the spring semester.
      • For spring semester appeals: by the last day of the summer semester.
      • For summer semester appeals: by the last day of the fall semester.

      Appeals are reviewed by the appropriate Dean. Students receive responses in writing to their appeals within two months of submitting all required information. Denied appeals will indicate a reason for the denial. Appeal decisions made by the Dean are final.

      In extenuating circumstances, a tuition credit appeal may be considered. In which case, complete an appeal form, available in Student Affairs, and provide documentation to explain mitigating circumstances:

      • If medical/emergency: The documentation must be dated and include the dates that pertain to the medical/emergency. The documentation must be provided on medical/official letterhead and must be an original unless it is a police report or similar document, wherein the original is maintained by the issuing agency.
      • If death: The documentation should include an original death certificate, an obituary or funeral program. The relationship to the deceased must be clearly indicated in the documentation or the student statement.
      • If personal: Documentation must clearly indicate the relationship of the issue to the student's inability to attend classes.
      • If military: Documentation of summons to active duty and a written statement of special consideration must be provided.

      There is only one way to officially withdraw from a course without academic penalty. Students must complete the appropriate withdrawal form in the Office of Enrollment Management and consult with their advisor by the deadline listed in the front of the Student Handbook.

      • Since course withdrawal could affect the time for program completion and student's financial aid, a faculty member signature is required to withdraw from a course after the add/drop period ends.
      • Failure to complete the official form will result in an F or FA grade for those courses.
      • There are no refunds for a course withdrawal and students on the payment plan must pay in full.
      • Students who request to withdraw from a course after the withdrawal deadline and can provide documentation of extenuating circumstances should schedule an appointment to meet with an academic dean in the Office of Academic Affairs for consideration.

      Students are required to notify the Financial Aid Office if they withdraw from a class or if there is a change in their class schedule. Students who completely withdraw from all of their courses and are receiving student financial aid (SFA) are subject to having all or part of their financial aid returned to the appropriate financial aid programs. For those students who withdrew prior to 60% of the enrolled period elapsing, a pro-rata schedule is used to determine how much SFA funds were earned at the time of withdrawal. SFA funds must be returned in the following order:

      • Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
      • Subsidized Stafford Loans
      • Federal PLUS Loans
      • Federal Pell Grants
      • Federal Supplement Educational Opportunity Grants
      • State Scholarships

      If the aid awarded exceeds the allowable institutional costs (excluding Federal Loan Programs), the unearned portion must be returned to the Student Financial Aid Programs. You may be responsible for any unpaid institutional charges.

      An unofficial withdrawal is when official notification of the student ceasing attendance is not provided to the school. For these withdrawals, commonly known as dropouts, the withdrawal date is midpoint of the semester, or the last date of an academically related activity that the student participated in.

      If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course offered over an entire period, the institution must assume, for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn.

      For all unofficial withdrawals, a pro-rata schedule is used to determine how much student financial aid funds were earned at the time of the unofficial withdrawal. If the aid awarded exceeds the allowable institutional costs (excluding Federal Stafford Loan Programs), the unearned portion must be returned to the student financial aid programs. You may be responsible for any unpaid institutional charges.

      Senior Adult Policy

      Senior Adult Policy

      Salem County residents who are 60 years of age or older will be permitted to enroll in regular scheduled credit courses without payment of any tuition charges, application and registration fees. They are still responsible for paying course fees, College fees, technology fees, lab fees, late fees and fees for books/supplies.

      Seniors who are eligible for and receive financial aid will not be eligible for a waiver of tuition for the same costs. Senior adults utilizing this policy may register in person for classes for which they are academically qualified on a space-available basis beginning the first day of the current semester. Any senior who registers before the first day of classes will be charged at the regular tuition rate. Waivers will not be approved after the fact.