Karen M. Mattison
Meet the SCC Faculty/Staff
Karen M. Mattison is an Associate Professor of Business. She teaches all Business, Economic, and Accounting classes currently offered at the college and oversees the Business Administration AS/AAS programs in addition to the Administrative Assistant Certificate. Karen is also the current Faculty mentor for the SCC Student ROTARACT Club, an organization of young adults (between the age of 18 and 30) that is defined neither by religious nor political motives and is committed to giving back to their community. Her scholarly interests revolve around ensuring that the students in her programs of study receive the best possible instruction that includes the latest trends in Business education. To accomplish this she regularly attends national education conferences such as the NBEA , ACTE, and TACTYC annually. Karen is also active in the state-wide NJ Collegiate Business Administration Association where the top 1% of her students are inducted into their Honor Society annually. Karen current lives with her husband Kenneth and children Gregory and Laura along with two rescued animals Penny (dog) and Cleo (cat). She is most active outside the college with Project Clean Stream, having lead annual Chesapeake Bay clean-up event over the past 5 years.
B.S., Management Information Systems, Widener University
M.A, Higher Education, Computer Science Instruction, Rowan University